Videoconferences are resumed with the MES to attend the Action Plan against COVID19 in Cuban Universities.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Following instructions from the Ministry of Higher Education, videoconferences were resumed with all Cuban universities, in order to assess the conditions of each center, in the midst of a highly complex scenario due to the worsening of COVID19 throughout the country. This Tuesday, the head of the organization Dr.C Jose Ramón Saborido Loidi, exchanged with all the rectors and evaluated the decisions of each University to give continuity to their teaching and research activities. In the exchange, the need for timely exchange with each Provincial Defense Council was analyzed and, on each occasion, the risks of possible infections from students and teachers were evaluated. For the Higher School of State and Government Tables (ESCEG), its rector Dr.C. Mercedes Delgado Fernandez and vice-chancellors. The school has taken control measures to deal with the outbreak of COVID19, promoting teleworking and guaranteeing the hygienic and sanitary conditions of each place.