Impact of the improvement of cadres
The inter-institutional, national and international collaboration developed by the ESCEG since its creation as a training institution for cadres has led to the graduation of more than 12,000 cadres and reserves of the public and business administration, professors of the ESCEG and of the 27 institutions responsible for the preparation of cadres and their reserves in the country, as well as specialists and officials from both sectors, as participants in various organizational forms of postgraduate education. The institution has developed seven editions of postgraduate specialties, with 259 graduates, 26 editions of diploma courses, with 1815 graduates and has graduated more than 10,000 participants, in other modalities of professional improvement. Within the framework of international collaboration, the institution has graduated more than 3,000 participants.
The main impacts of the work developed by the institution have been verified through the exchange with graduated cadres and through the development at ESCEG of national workshops on the impact of the improvement of cadres.
Since 2013, eight editions of the National Workshop on the Impact of Cadre Improvement have been held, with more than 1750 participants.
The National Cadre Development Impact Workshops have made it possible to follow up with graduates and the implementation of their final work. Some results constitute good practices in public and business administration, are incorporated into the teaching process and are published as articles in the center's Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration.