Recognized Rector of the ESCEG with the 2020 Academy Award.

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Escuela Superior de Cuadros del Estado y del Gobierno (ESCEG) received with high satisfaction the awarding of the 2020 Academy Award to the Rector of the Dr.C. Mercedes Delgado Fernández, for her participation as co-author of the proposal "Model of Technological Surveillance based on patterns associated with critical factors and their applications", by the main author Dr.C. Marta Beatriz Infante Abreu, dean of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" and where other professionals also took part.
At the same time, ESCEG was also recognized as a joint executing entity with the Technological University of Havana, Ministry of Agriculture, Calisoft, University of Camagüey, University of Computer Sciences. University of Havana, University of Holguín, Integrated Technological Research Center, Ministry of Tourism, National Center for the production of laboratory animals and the Technological University of Munich, Germany.
The award proposal consists of a Technology Watch Model (VT) based on patterns associated with critical VT factors, which is made up of four procedures to generate patterns, implement VT patterns in use scenarios, provide feedback and improve the catalog of patterns and for the establishment of supports with Social Web technologies. The main novelty consists of the integration of knowledge related to VT, pattern theory and Web 2.0 technologies.
This 2020 Academy Award, adds to others received by professors of the faculty in previous editions and demonstrates the dedication and commitment that the center has with science, innovation and development. The Cuban Academy of Sciences Award (ACC) has been awarded since 1990 to recognize those investigations that stand out in the country, thereby stimulating scientific creation, the visibility of Cuban science as part of the national and universal heritage, as well as its contribution to the socioeconomic development of the country.