The Management System module begins in the II Edition of the AP and E Diploma

Friday, May 19, 2023

Starts the Management System module in the II Edition of the ESCEG Public and Business Administration Diploma. Dr.C Vivian Antúnez addresses standardized management systems as management tools. The group in the raising of expectations referred to the need to implement this essential theme, importance and learning in the scenario of the diploma to achieve competitiveness both in Public Administration organizations and in the business system. The teacher addressed and integrated the ideological political work strategy since the class begins by remembering the Commander's words in times of crisis. The group of managers evaluated this first component of novelty, strategic, need for implementation, innovation. For this humble teacher, this is one of the groups that I have most enjoyed the interaction with managers committed to critical thinking and wanting to do for the country and its progress. Let's go for more ESCEG.