Graduation of the III edition of the Diploma in Public and Business Administration

Friday, January 26, 2024

On January 26, the 37 cadres graduate from the III edition of the Diploma in Public and Business Administration at the Higher School of State and Government Cadres, who belong to 30 bodies, agencies of the central administration of the State, national entities and different business groups. Present in the presidency were the Director of the AZCUBA Business Group, Julio Andrés García Pérez, and the First Vice President of the Institute of Urban Territorial Planning and Ordering, GB Antonio Curbelo Sardiñas, and the Rector of the ESCEG, Dr. C. Mercedes Delgado Fernández. Also present were directors and professors of the ESCEG board of directors and other guests, including directors of staff and representatives of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

The graduate's words corresponded to Amarilis Torres Domínguez, general director of the company Heber Biotec, belonging to the BioCubaFarma Business Group, who in a tight summary summarized the learnings, emotions and gratitude. He highlighted the convenience of exchanging among senior officials of the country's government, learning directly about experiences of good practices conducted by managers, who were also sitting in these classrooms, having the possibility of interacting in real time, physical and virtual, with schools from Russia, China and Vietnam, as well as the responsibility and privilege of participating in the School's Accreditation process as an Institution of Excellence in Higher Education, sharing great emotions, such as the tribute paid to our Commander and the planting of a tree in his memory, also the moments of joy and the pain of some of us for the loss of loved ones. He expressed that all this amalgamation of professional and human experiences has changed them... “we have participated in many courses, specialties, master's degrees, but in none of them have we felt like this one.” He thanked the faculty of teachers and workers of the School, for giving them the opportunity to graduate as better managers, for the knowledge and love they have given, without sparing hours to answer our questions, especially in those moments when we were tormented by the thorns of the fish, the MICMAC, the Box Plots, the Pareto and the Project; and also for supporting all our different initiatives. He considered the correct decision to form a single group, business system and public administration, knowing each other, understanding each other and even being able to visualize potential links and collaboration, is another of the results.

May this experience constitute an incentive to continue transforming and perfecting our management work, with the high responsibility of being men and women of these very difficult and challenging times, but as Martians of heart and action, if each one does their part of their duty. , nothing can defeat us. Let us ratify our commitment to history, to our martyrs, to Fidel, Raúl, our President Diaz-Canel, and to the Revolution and the people, which is all of us, that nothing will intimidate our conviction to continue contributing to the construction of a country. better, prosperous and sustainable for all.

At the event, the recognition of the provincial CITMA delegation is delivered to the Rector of the institution, who gives the closing words of the graduation. In his speech he highlighted that in these 12 weeks they received various knowledge and tools with a broad update of policies, regulations and projections, with the participation of speakers such as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, the Secretary of the Council of State, the Comptroller General of the Republic, the Attorney General of the Republic and many other directors, together with the faculty of professors, recognized by you for their quality, dedication and professionalism.

The rector highlighted in her speech what the students expressed in the surveys applied, such as the contribution to teamwork, empathy and synergy between graduates and teachers, the strengthening of strategic thinking, planning and organization, ethical and revolutionary behavior, leadership and innovation. They mentioned that they learned from generic competencies and strengthened political and ideological values, humility, humanity, loyalty, and optimism. They highlighted that the combination of the public and business sectors allows for a more comprehensive vision.

The rector also valued the 37 final works defended as innovation projects and developed with the required methodological rigor as very useful, whose proposed solutions are aligned with the agreements derived from the 8th Congress of the Party, with the country's priorities and respond to the missions. and strategic objectives of the institutions. He called them to the 10th National Impact Workshop to socialize the good practices that they will generate in their areas of action through the introduction of what they have learned and the implementation of the final work schedules defended today.

He congratulated them, with pride for their growth as cadres and group and highlighted that with this graduation there are 1852 graduates among the 24 editions of the Diplomas in Public Administration, in Business Administration and Management and in the three editions of the Diploma in Public and Business Administration . Added to this are other preparations such as postgraduate specialties in Public Administration and Business Administration and Management with 259 graduates, training for the quarry of fundamental positions, with five editions and 58 graduates and other training, courses and seminars add up to more. of 15,000 graduates since the creation of our School in 2011. He added that on January 29, the VI edition of the pool of fundamental positions and the VIII edition of the specialty in Public Administration will be inaugurated and in that week new proposals will be presented of preparations, such as training and workshops to raise the performance skills of cadres, which includes the municipal management level.

Concluyó el acto de graduación con las palabras, en el Segundo Periodo Ordinario de Sesiones de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, en su X Legislatura, del Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y Presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz Canel Bermúdez… "Se imponen la voluntad de trabajar, el afán de avanzar, la disposición de perfeccionar y la convicción profunda de que vamos a vencer".

Al finalizar el acto los estudiantes se hicieron la foto del grupo con sus diplomas de graduados, sembraron el árbol en el bosque de egresados, tradición de esta universidad en cada edición de diplomados (con 27 ediciones) y especialidades de posgrado en administración pública y en dirección y gestión empresarial (7 ediciones), además de tomarse otra foto simbólica con sus pullovers con el logo de la ESCEG.