Constitution of the honorary chair for the "Study of the thought and work of Fidel Castro Ruz"
On the occasion of the 121st anniversary of the fall in battle of the Titan of Bronze Antonio Maceo and on the first anniversary of the physical disappearance of the Historical Leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz, the act of constitution of the Honorary Chair for the "Study of the thought and the Work of Fidel Castro Ruz " was carried out.
In the constitution of the Chair participated the colleagues Dr. C. Eugenio Suárez Pérez, Director of the Office of Historical Affairs of the Council of State, Dr. C. Rafael Emilio Cervantes Martínez, Director of Marxism of the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. C Fidel Antonio Castro Smirnov, Dr. C. Luis Estruch Rancaño, and all collaborators of the already mentioned Chair, the Rector Dra. C. Mercedes Delgado Fernández, teachers and school workers; as well as the coordinators of the graduates of Public Administration and Management and Business Management of the country.
The Presidency of the Chair, according to the Rectoral Resolution, is composed of:
Dr. C. Martín Irián Barrios Rivera President
Dr. C. Elba Yasmín Quesada Serrano Vice President
Dra C. Marlenys Martínez Clapé Secretary
At the event, two interventions were made by Dr. C. Eugenio Suárez Pérez, on Fidel's thoughts on leadership and cadres and another by Dr. C. Fidel Antonio Castro Smirnov on his experiences with Fidel and his teachings.
Participants were given a material on the "Prospective Thinking of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz", extracted from History Absolve me and the first speeches given by him after the triumph of the Revolution, this being the first material produced by the Chair.
The General Objective of the Chair is: to systematize, through the study of the thought and action of Fidel Castro Ruz, the contributions it has given to overcoming cadres of the Revolution.
The functions of the Chair are:
Deepening on the study of Fidel's thought about overcoming cadres; as well as, on the public administration and the management and business management;
disclose the results of the studies carried out, as well as the life and work of Fidel;
promote the publication of materials on these topics;
develop conferences, workshops, and other scientific events;
promote scientific exchange between professionals, students and all those interested in the study of these topics.