Chairs Díaz-Canel graduation act of the School of Checks
The Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and First Vice President of the Councils of State and of Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presided over Thursday the graduation ceremony of the XVII Diploma in Public Administration and Management and Business Management of the Superior School of Cadres of the State and of the Government.
At the end of the ceremony, Díaz-Canel extended a congratulation to the 54 graduates, of whom 25 corresponded to Public Administration and the remaining 29 to Management and Business Management.
The rector of that center, Mercedes Delgado Fernández, recalled the words of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara on December 21, 1962 to the graduates of the School of Administrators Patricio Lumumba, when he recommended to learn from those who know.
He also praised Che's advice to make decisions based on the criteria of the workers, observation, economic studies, experiences, analysis and synthesis.
For its part, the deputy director of the Special Mariel Development Zone office, Yanet Vázquez Valdés, described as merit of the School of State and Government Cadres the capacity to generate fraternity and to strengthen the thesis that has the greatest contribution in sharing the knowledge.
On behalf of the graduates, Marta Ayala Ávila, from the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), said that this course will necessarily contribute to analysis and decision-making.
The XVII Diploma in Public Administration and Management and Business Management of the Higher School of State and Government Cadres is set forth as the confirmation of the Martian principles of the congregation and of culture as an indispensable condition of freedom.